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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Product: Save the Environment By Switching To Tote Grocery Bags

Going green does not have to compromise your current lifestyle; environmental awareness is of vital importance currently thus meaning many options are available for frugal purchases to do your part in saving our beloved planet. Eco-Friendly Tote Bags are now being seen more and more at shopping centers as families go by a much greener perspective, these tote bags remove 800 million pounds of plastic bags from production; simply meaning billions of bags will never make it to our land fields, making the Earth contribution frugally. Eco-Friendly totes are constructed with biodegradable a material which alludes to the fact when torn throwing away such totes will never harm our eco-system. I personally use a slew of these cloth made and mesh tote bags when I shop for groceries or domestic products, while my primary concern is saving the environment I am keen on knowing the bags will never split or have a bottom fall out causing a mess in my kitchen or sidewalk. I strongly encourage a simplistic switch to make this earth a better and stronger planet. It is our duty to care for planet Earth and we must do our part.

I was just removing items from my Jute Tote Bag which I find stylish and I read that fibers are made from webbed vegetable fiber while the handles are strong rope that is conscious of our Earth; each bag was
designed for the purpose of awareness from organic materials. I have yet had a problem with my Jute Tote and have fell in love with the fact I can so a small thing to save 11 barrels of oil annually from being wasted and threatening our dear Earth.

-Stop To Calculate Your Usage-

While only
1% of plastic bags get recycled, a horrific number for eco women like myself, typically at least you will use two plastic bags if not more at your shopping center; two bags annually multiply into 208 providing we go to the store twice a week -- yet when we grocery shop we use far more than two plastic bags. An average family visits a grocery store 104 times in a single year, many visit more than this average figure so a immense number of plastic bags are going out the door harming the Earth by laying for years in land fields.

…Make Your Contribution To Better
Our Environment…
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